Nikon India has launched the Nikon D5300 DSLR camera, a compact, entry-level model, which is also Nikon's first digital SLR camera to offer built-in wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) connectivity and GPS functions. The Nikon D5300 will be available November-mid onwards across India in Black, Red and Grey colour variants at an MRP of Rs. 54,450 for the body only, Rs. 59,950 with 18-55mm VR lens, and Rs. 75,950 with 18-140mm VR lens.
Nikon claims that the D5300 offers significantly enhanced optical technologies, including an optimised EXPEED 4 image-processing engine with no optical low-pass filter. It says the absence of a low-pass filter maximises the resolution of the high pixel count and rendering capabilities of NIKKOR lenses.
As per Nikon, the D5300 sports a monocoque structure made of a new material for a smaller and lighter body that makes it strong and durable. The D5300 features a 3.2-inch, 1037k-dot vari-angle LCD monitor with wide viewing angle to allow shooting from any angle.
The Nikon D5300 features an effective pixel count of 24.2-megapixels and a Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor.
The D5300's built-in Wi-Fi connectivity feature can be used for transmitting images to a smart device for sharing as well as for remote shooting. The built-in GPS function records location data and tracks movement.
It also offers a D-Movie function for recording full-HD 1920 × 1080 pixels, 60p movies and toy camera effect and HDR Painting special effects modes (total of 9 effects).
Speaking on the announcement, Hiroshi Takashina, Managing Director, Nikon India said, "Today's announcement strengthens Nikon's leadership in the D-SLR category. The D5300 features Nikon's latest innovative technologies, allowing users to instantly shoot, store and share images. The new entrant is specifically designed to give an edge to the users to unleash their creativity, and truly test the boundaries of a photographer's imagination"
Sajjan Kumar, Vice President-Imaging, Nikon India, elaborated: "The D5300 is a unique and compact D-SLR with features such as Wi-Fi and GPS function that allow users to look back on routes taken on vacation or with outdoor activities. The new entrant boasts an EXPEED 4 image-processing engine and a smaller and lighter body which is easy to carry & durable as well."
Kumar added, "The camera is equipped with some new features likes HDR Painting added to Special Effects mode with a total of 9 effects for more creative expression with still images and movies. This camera will definitely bring out the inner creativity of photographers during the festivities around."
Nikon claims that the D5300 offers significantly enhanced optical technologies, including an optimised EXPEED 4 image-processing engine with no optical low-pass filter. It says the absence of a low-pass filter maximises the resolution of the high pixel count and rendering capabilities of NIKKOR lenses.
As per Nikon, the D5300 sports a monocoque structure made of a new material for a smaller and lighter body that makes it strong and durable. The D5300 features a 3.2-inch, 1037k-dot vari-angle LCD monitor with wide viewing angle to allow shooting from any angle.
The Nikon D5300 features an effective pixel count of 24.2-megapixels and a Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor.
The D5300's built-in Wi-Fi connectivity feature can be used for transmitting images to a smart device for sharing as well as for remote shooting. The built-in GPS function records location data and tracks movement.
It also offers a D-Movie function for recording full-HD 1920 × 1080 pixels, 60p movies and toy camera effect and HDR Painting special effects modes (total of 9 effects).
Speaking on the announcement, Hiroshi Takashina, Managing Director, Nikon India said, "Today's announcement strengthens Nikon's leadership in the D-SLR category. The D5300 features Nikon's latest innovative technologies, allowing users to instantly shoot, store and share images. The new entrant is specifically designed to give an edge to the users to unleash their creativity, and truly test the boundaries of a photographer's imagination"
Sajjan Kumar, Vice President-Imaging, Nikon India, elaborated: "The D5300 is a unique and compact D-SLR with features such as Wi-Fi and GPS function that allow users to look back on routes taken on vacation or with outdoor activities. The new entrant boasts an EXPEED 4 image-processing engine and a smaller and lighter body which is easy to carry & durable as well."
Kumar added, "The camera is equipped with some new features likes HDR Painting added to Special Effects mode with a total of 9 effects for more creative expression with still images and movies. This camera will definitely bring out the inner creativity of photographers during the festivities around."
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